Coping Strategies for Panic Attacks: Effective Techniques to Regain Control

Coping Strategies for Panic Attacks: Effective Techniques to Regain Control

Panic attacks can be intense and overwhelming experiences. Understanding and employing effective coping strategies can significantly help in managing and reducing the symptoms of a panic attack. This article explores various techniques that can be employed during a panic attack.

Recognize and Accept the Attack

Acknowledge that you are experiencing a panic attack. Understanding that it is temporary and not life-threatening can help you start the process of calming down.

Practice Deep Breathing

Deep, slow breathing can help counteract the rapid breathing that occurs during a panic attack. Focus on taking deep, controlled breaths: inhale for a count of four, hold for a second, and then exhale for a count of four.

Focus on a Single Object

Pick one object in your visible surroundings and note everything about it to help ground your thoughts. This can help divert your mind from panic to the present moment.

Use Muscle Relaxation Techniques

Progressively relax different muscle groups in your body. Tense each muscle for a few seconds and then release. This can help reduce the feeling of tension that comes with a panic attack.

Implement Mindfulness

Mindfulness techniques can help keep you grounded in the reality of your surroundings. Pay attention to the physical sensations of an object or your own body to stay anchored in the present.

Use Positive Mantras

Repeating calming phrases such as “I am safe” or “This will pass” can provide comfort and help reduce the severity of symptoms.

Seek Professional Help

If panic attacks are frequent or severe, it is important to seek professional help. Therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be effective in managing panic disorder.


Coping with panic attacks involves both immediate strategies to manage an attack and long-term strategies to reduce their frequency. With practice and, if necessary, professional help, it is possible to manage and reduce the impact of panic attacks.


Mr. Anxiety

© Chai Magal